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RMS Record-level File Journaling?

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The Question is:

Hi, I am Salam Y. Elias, E-Commerce Development Manager on behalf of CHS
 Electronics Southern Europe.
We are running the software Tolas on Open VMS for the Management operations. It
 is a flat file software which I can access through some Middleware such as ISG
 navigator which uses OLE/DB technologies.
I am looking for a Replication tool that sits on my OpenVMS machine, monitors
 my files for any adding, updating or deletion to update tables in SQL sever
 that have exactly the same structure.
Thanks in advance

The Answer is :

  Please check with Tolas and/or with the ODBC vendor -- OpenVMS and RMS
  do not provide tools that permit record-level shadowing of files, this
  would be left up to the application to journal.
  Such a tool could conceivably be implemented on top of some very detailed
  knowledge of the internal locking operations within RMS, but this would
  be considered undocumented and unsupported.
  If, on the other hand, transaction-oriented file-level journaling
  operations are of interest, please take a look at the RMS journaling

answer written or last revised on ( 6-NOV-2000 )

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