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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Product Versions for Upgrade?

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The Question is:

I am planning to update from Open VMS 6.2 to 7.2.  Will the versions of the
 following layered products the run on VMS 7.2?
Alpha 4100 Layered Products (current)
TCP/IP 5.0a
DECnet Phase IV end-node V6.2-1h3
Digital Pathworks V5.0-600F
Digital Pathworks (LAN Manager Server) V5.0-600F
Digital Fortran EV7.1-107-3313
Digital Datatrieve DEC DTR V7.2
Digital COBOL COBOL V2.4-863
OpenVMS Alpha (v6.x)  V6.2-1H3
VAX 6410 (current)
DECnet Phase IV end-node V6.2
Digital Pathworks V5.0-600F
Digital Pathworks (LAN Manager Server) V5.0-600F
Digital Fortran V6.5-188
Digital Datatrieve DEC DTR V7.2
Digital VAX COBOL  COBOL T5.4-51
OpenVMS Alpha (V6.x)
VAX Forms Management System FMS V2.4
OpenVMS Alpha (v6.x)  V6.2

The Answer is :

  Please see the OpenVMS FAQ for the OpenVMS Software Rollout reports,
  searching for "swroll" for the specific URL -- this document will
  provide you with the minimum supported product release(s) for the
  particular product and for the particular platform.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-NOV-2000 )

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