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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Working With System Parameters?

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The Question is:

Is there a way of removing sysgen parameters that have already been applied
 before a reboot is performed?
If so how?

The Answer is :

  There is no way to remove a system parameter -- the OpenVMS Wizard
  will guess at the intended question.
  If you wish to reset the value, the recommended approach is via
  MODPARAMS.DAT and AUTOGEN or (less desirably) via SYSGEN or SYSMAN.
  If the particular system parameter is a dynamic parameter, you can
  change the running value.
  If you wish to reset the parameter value for the next reboot to a
  new value, use MODPARAMS and AUTOGEN or use the SYSGEN WRITE CURRENT
  or the SYSMAN PARAMS WRITE CURRENT command to store the value.
  If you wish make a change to one or more values transient and thus
  use the original value when the system next reboots, you can use the
  SYSBOOT (conversational bootstrap) and set the WRITESYSPARAMS value
  to 0 after all other SET commands and immediately before issuing the
  CONTINUE command to continue the bootstrap.
  If, on the other hand, you seek a way to roll back to older system
  parameter values after an AUTOGEN pass, then you may well have a copy
  of the old system parameters file in SYS$SYSTEM:.  You can also load
  and store the current parameters using the USE and WRITE commands in
  the SYSGEN utility or in the SYSMAN PARAMS mechanism.
  If you wish to use the conversational bootstrap mechanism (SYSBOOT)
  to make temporary changes to system parameters, you can use the SET
  command on the parameter(s) as required, and then issue the SYSBOOT
  command SET WRITESYSPARAMS 0 just before the CONTINUE command to
  continue the system bootstrap.  This sequence will load the new
  parameter value(s) into the active parameters, but will not update
  the saved parameter value(s).  You can then reboot the system to
  reset the parameter values back to the original configuration.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-DEC-2000 )

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