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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Upgrading DLT (TZ) SCSI tape drives?

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The Question is:

I have 3 old VAX 4000/300 machines with TF857 stackers which are beginning to
 fail. I wish to replace these stackers with something like the TZ89 tabletop
 devices.  What do I need to do this?

The Answer is :

  Um, is this a trick question?  The OpenVMS Wizard would expect this task
  would involve the acquisition and installation of the TZ89 series drives.
  Please contact your hardware services organization for assistance.
  You will probably want to transfer your older media onto newer media,
  though most TZ8x series drives can read tapes written on earlier TZ8x
  series drives.  Check the media compatibility for the specific DLT
  drives involved here.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-DEC-2000 )

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