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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS Security (GUID) Features?

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The Question is:

Is there any built-in support for creating GUID's (similiar to Microsoft's) in

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS group UIC values and the OpenVMS identifier mechanism --
  resource identifiers, subsystem identifiers, and the more common form
  of identifiers -- would be the most direct analogs to the UNIX GUID
  construct.  (The OpenVMS Wizard will assume that the Microsoft GUID
  model was itself derived from the UNIX GUID scheme.)
  The DII COE standards also require direct implementation of the UNIX
  GUID-related C library calls, and these calls will be available on
  any operation system that is compliant with DII COE standards.
  There may well be other OpenVMS security mechanisms that might be as
  (or more) suitable than the UNIX GUID scheme (or the assumed Microsoft
  GUID model), but -- lacking a specific problem statement -- appropriate
  alternative suggestions are quite difficult to frame.

answer written or last revised on ( 30-NOV-2000 )

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