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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Corrupting the OpenVMS Registry?

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The Question is:

In researching and planning for an upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2-1 I discovered
the Registry Database. Is this going to be created and does it have to
be used. We do a lot of FTP between our clients. We currently use Process
Software TCPware. I was informed by presells support it was added becausee
 MicroSoft Registry needs at the client side. Also there is a very
frightening warning in the New Feature and Release Notes Manual.
Be careful when you modify OpenVMS Registry database keys and values. If you
 damage the OpenVMS Registry database, you can affect all applications and
 users on the entire OpenVMS system or cluster.

The Answer is :

  Was there a question here?
  The warning is analogous to the many warnings about using the Microsoft
  RegEdit tool on any Microsoft Windows platform.
  If you should corrupt the OpenVMS system parameter database, the effects
  are far more systemic than what will typically occur should the OpenVMS
  registry database become corrupted -- OpenVMS itself and many applications
  will generally bootstrap and function regardless of a corrupted registry
  database, but OpenVMS may or may not bootstrap with a corrupted system
  parameter database.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-DEC-2000 )

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