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Configuring and starting TCP/IP Services?

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The Question is:

I have an ALPHA Server 400 with VMS 6.2 on DKA0. For testing purposes I want to
 have 7.2-1 on the 2nd. disk, DKA100. Seems simple enough. I upgraded the
 firmware, installed 7.2-1 and DECnet IV and TCPIP 5.0. Now the tricky part.
 6.2 works fine networking-
wise as regards TCP/IP. 7.2 can ping itself and telnet to itself, but it can't
 see any other system nor can any system see it. At the hub, the LED is never
 lit when booted to 7.2 as it is when booted to 6.2 and no matter what I do I
 can't get a device EWA
1 as I get in 6.2. Here's what I have in 7.2:
 DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version V5.0A
  on a AlphaServer 400 4/166 running OpenVMS V7.2-1
Device                  Device           Error
 Name                   Status           Count
EWA0:                   Online               0
EWA2:                   Online               0
EWA3:                   Online               0
EWA4:                   Online               0
EWA5:                   Online               0
and what I have in 6.2:
  DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS AXP Version V3.3
  on a AlphaServer 400 4/166 running OpenVMS V6.2
Device                  Device           Error
 Name                   Status           Count
EWA0:                   Online               0
EWA1:                   Online               0
EWA2:                   Online               0
EWA3:                   Online               0
Can you shed some light on my problem? Thanks!

The Answer is :

  The various aspects of the TCP/IP Services V5.0A network configuration
  -- the licenses, the setup, the startup, the databases, the choice of
  services enabled, the console network negotiation selection, the IP host
  address and network mask selected, the network gateway, etc -- would be
  the initial suspects.
  If you are unable to determine the particular cause, please contact the
  Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance in troubleshooting this.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-DEC-2000 )

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