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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DCPS VMError Postscript Virtual Memory exhausted

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The Question is:

Using DCPS 1.8 at ECO 10 I have occasionally been getting failing postscripts
 jobs with the following error:
%DCPS-W-VMERROR, VMError: Postscript virtual memory exhausted
 - offending command is --nostringval --
The last command is sometimes different.
This has now moved from occasional to regular to every time. Updated to ECO 12
 but this makes no difference - I cannot print a thing.
Manual etc is not very helpful. Where should I look?

The Answer is :

  Rather more information is needed.  In particular:
    o What printer is being used?
    o What format file is being printed?
    o How much memory is in the printer?
  DCPS does not presently offer ECO kits for DCPS, only new versions,
  though there are ECO kits for mechanisms underlying DCPS (eg: IP).
  Please contact the Compaq Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 6-FEB-2001 )

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