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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Scheme programming on OpenVMS?

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The Question is:

Is there an implantation of Scheme for VMS?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard is not particularly familiar with implementations
  of the Scheme language (a descendent of Lisp), and related tools such
  as GUILE and Hobbit, for OpenVMS.  (The OpenVMS Wizard will assume
  that you are familiar with and that you have access to the various
  Scheme websites available.)
  Scheme48 may well be portable into the OpenVMS COE environment, as
  may be Gambit-C.
  RuleWorks (OPS5, Lisp) is expected to be included on Freeware V5.

answer written or last revised on ( 5-JAN-2001 )

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