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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party Software? (Oracle Rdb)

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The Question is:

With 4 Alphaserver in a cluster (Double Memory Channel Hub)under OpenVMS 7.2-1
 (with all patches at the 10.01.2001) how and why determine the adequates
 values for the sysgen parameters LOCKDIRWT and PE1 to minimize the move locks
 with Rdb 7.0-5 ?
In first architecture, only 2 servers have the application and the 2 others are
 in backup.

The Answer is :

  Please check the Oracle Rdb product documentation and please contact
  Oracle Rdb Support for assistance in configuring and tuning OpenVMS
  for use with Oracle Rdb.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would tend to use and to recommend the default system
  parameter values or the values calculated by AUTOGEN, barring specific
  vendor recommendations to the contrary.
  In this specific case, Memory Channel is an excellent choice for
  intra-cluster lock traffic.  Various lock-related enhancements that
  will likely be of use here are included in OpenVMS V7.3, as well.

answer written or last revised on ( 12-JAN-2001 )

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