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HP OpenVMS Systems

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XQP Bugcheck?

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The Question is:

Our Vax 4000 - 705A crashes while doing a system backup. A crash dump analysis
 tells us that an error was detected by file system XQP.
How do we resolve the problem?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard would encourage the application of the available
  ECO (patch) kits.  Apply all mandatory kits and other applicable
  ECO kits.  In particular, VAXBACK*, VAXF11X*, and VAXRMS*.
  Pointers to the ECO kits are included in the OpenVMS FAQ, as well
  as a pointer to a website that will permit you to easily locate the
  names of the high-priority ECO kits.
  If the application of the mandatory ECO kits does not resolve
  this, please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center.   Details
  of the BACKUP command, the system hardware configuration, the
  crashdump, and similar, will be required.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-FEB-2001 )

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