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HP OpenVMS Systems

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IP network routing problems?

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The Question is:

Dear Sir or Madam,
We are using Open VMS 6.2 as the operation system on an Alpha server 300.
We have a daily transaction between our office in New York and the headquarters
 in Israel using a Cisco ISDN router 2503.
Some of the users from Israel are logging in to the NY office using telnet or
The router setup that if there is no communication going (info flow) for a
 period of 1 min the call is disconnected.
From some reason the open VMS on the NY side is returning a call to Israel and
 the line stays open until the user in Israel logged out !!!
We are looking for a command or a utility on the NY server to disconnect
 specific users / process (the Israeli only) after 2-3 minutes of inactivity or
 to block the call back meaning not to initiate a reply telnet connection
 from NY to specific users.
I would appreciate your prompt input in order to resole this matter.
Haim Guz
570 Seventh Ave 20 Floor
New York, NY 10018
Tel: (212) 836-9548
Fax: (212) 921-1795
E-mail: hguz@imitrading.com

The Answer is :

  Once it is dropped, an OpenVMS server DOES NOT attempt re-establish an
  incoming telnet connection.
  Like most other IP implementations, the TCP/IP Services package will
  seek to reestablish an IP connection if an IP routing failure occurs,
  or until the failed circuit is expressly disabled.
  Please check with CISCO, as this initially appears to be a problem with
  the IP routing.  If the IP network connection is completely dropped, then
  OpenVMS will automatically drop the users associated with the failed
  connection.  If OpenVMS is unaware of the IP connection drop because
  of IP routing problems, then it can and should attempt to maintain the
  telnet connection.
  If virtual terminals are enabled for telnet devices for the particular
  IP package, the user will be logged out then once the virtual terminal
  times out -- this provides a window during which a user can reestablish
  a connection and re-join the existing session (after re-authenticating).
  For details, see the telnet management chapter in the TCP/IP Services
  Management manual and particularly see the OpenVMS documentation on the
  virtual terminal support that is present in OpenVMS.
  Also please check the application, as the OpenVMS Wizard is aware of a
  few applications that will incorrectly handle the disconnection.  The
  most common problems involve failures to correctly honor a hangup AST.
  If you are using TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, please first ensure that
  you have V4.2 with the current ECO installed.  Then please contact Compaq
  Customer Services for additional assistance, as details of the switch and
  the network topology will likely be required.
  If you are NOT using TCP/IP Services, please contact the IP vendor.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-FEB-2001 )

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