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Third-party hardware? (DNPG DECserver)

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The Question is:

I have servers that have remote console access thru a decserver 300 via
 protocal LAT via polycenter console. I want to setup a remote console access
 for a server thru this same polycenter console interface but using telnet
 because the server and decserver
 300 are not on the same network as the one that execute polycenter console.
When connecting with " $console connect server/break=ctrl_b " to servers where
 the console use default protocal LAT , and typing " ctrl_b" , the console
 access goes to console prompt >>> with no errors ;
using "ctrl_b" to goto console prompt on the remote console access that use
 TELNET give a fatal error :
14:50:28 P00>>>
*ctex02 - Alpha CCt Releve a Jarry          | Mon Feb 26 2001 | Console Inactive
Copyright (c) 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved
Connection between line sensor and remote console has been lost
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=0000002C, PC
=0000B5F1, PSL=03C00004
  Improperly handled condition, image exit forced.
        Signal arguments              Stack contents
        Number = 00000005                00116008
        Name   = 0000000C                00000008
                 00000000                00118E70
                 0000002C                00000000
                 0000B5F1                20040000
                 03C00004                7FE76668
        Register dump
        R0 = 001296A8  R1 = 00000005  R2 = 00000000  R3 = 0000000D
        R4 = 7FE76694  R5 = 000019F0  R6 = 00000CD8  R7 = 00134538
        R8 = 00002E64  R9 = 000A66D0  R10= 000A6520  R11= 00002E60
        AP = 7FE76518  FP = 7FE764D8  SP = 7FE76554  PC = 0000B5F1
        PSL= 03C00004
What are the : decserver 300 telnet port setup sio that when typing ctrl_p or
 ctrl_b there is no errors.
Here are my setups :
Port  1:                               Server: CTI04
Character Size:            8           Input Speed:               9600
Flow Control:            XON           Output Speed:              9600
Parity:                 None           Signal Control:        Disabled
Stop Bits:           Dynamic
Access:               Remote           Local Switch:              None
Backwards Switch:       None           Name:            CONSOLE_CTEX02
Break:              Disabled           Session Limit:                4
Forwards Switch:        None           Type:                      Hard
Default Protocol:     Telnet
Preferred Service: None
Authorized Groups:   0
(Current)  Groups:   0
Enabled Characteristics:
Failover,  Input Flow Control,  Lock,  Output Flow Control,  Verification
Port  1
Profile:               Character
Echo:                     Remote    Newline From Term:          <CR>
Toggle Echo:                None    Newline From Host:        <CRLF>
Binary:                 Disabled    Newline To Term:          <CRLF>
Xmit Char Size:                8    Newline To Host:          <CRLF>
Rcv Char Size:                 8    Input Flow Control:      Enabled
Signal Req:              Enabled    Output Flow Control:     Enabled
IP:                  +s +f    ^Y    Local Msg Verify:        Enabled
SYNCH:               +s -f    ^X    Local Switch Recog:      Enabled
AYT:                 -s -f    ^T    Quote:                      None
AO:                  -s +f    ^O
EOR:                 -s -f  None
BRK:                 -s -f  None
1:                               Server: CTI04
Character Size:            8           Input Speed:               9600
Flow Control:            XON           Output Speed:              9600
Parity:                 None           Signal Control:        Disabled
Stop Bits:           Dynamic
Access:               Remote           Local Switch:              None
Backwards Switch:       None           Name:            CONSOLE_CTEX02
Break:              Disabled           Session Limit:                4
Forwards Switch:        None           Type:                      Hard
Default Protocol:     Telnet
Preferred Service: None
Authorized Groups:   0
(Current)  Groups:   0
Enabled Characteristics:
Failover,  Input Flow Control,  Lock,  Output Flow Control,  Verification
I have setup a remote console of my Alpha Ds20e thrue a Decserver 300 port 1  ;
 this port 1 is directly connected to the console port of my DS20e.

The Answer is :

  The DECserver terminal server widgets are now supported by the Digital
  Network Products Group (www.dnpg.com), and not by Compaq.
  A (decade-old) DECserver 300 terminal server device is also an obvious
  candidate for replacement with a supported widget.

answer written or last revised on ( 26-FEB-2001 )

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