[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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Failure to bootstrap system, boot error code?

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The Question is:

Can't boot system, get mount verification errors and error message 007282EC.
Is this hardware or software related?

The Answer is :

  The particular hardware (disk, controller, system, etc) involved
  was not specified.   Nor what has changed with this configuration
  since this last worked -- if this has ever worked before, of course.
  $ exit %x007282EC
  %MOUNT-F-BADSECSYS, failed to create or access SECURITY.SYS
  Whether this is a hardware or a software problem is unclear.  This
  could simply be a disk that is full, or this could be a hardware or
  software problem that prevents writing to the disk, or this could be
  a corrupted disk structure.  The mount verification errors would tend
  to imply a hardware problem.
  Try MOUNT/OVERRIDE=SECURITY of the target disk, while booted from
  the CD-ROM installation media -- the installation menu system can
  permit you access to DCL, where you can access other disks.
  While using the menu, you will likely want to make a current/new
  BACKUP of the (potentially corrupted) target disk.
 BADSECSYS,  failed to create or access SECURITY.SYS
  Facility:     MOUNT, Mount Utility
  Explanation:  The Mount utility was unable to create and write the
                SECURITY.SYS file on a volume that was initialized prior to
                OpenVMS Version 6.0, usually because the device is full.
  User Action:  Try any of the following actions:
                o Mount the device using the /NOWRITE qualifier.
                o Mount the device with /OVERRIDE=SECURITY if the security
                  policy of the system permits this. Once the disk is
                  mounted, free up approximately 10 blocks on the disk, and
                  then remount the disk without using the /OVERRIDE=SECURITY
                o Mount the device on a version of OpenVMS prior to Version
                  6.0 and free up about 10 blocks on the disk. Then remount
                  the disk on the later version of the system.

answer written or last revised on ( 28-FEB-2001 )

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