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HP OpenVMS Systems

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HP LaserJet 4050 and LAT print queue?

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The Question is:

I am trying to set up a HP4050 laserjet printer on my VMS 7.2 system using DCPS
 configured using LATCP for P2 (eg LTA9000:).  I am not getting anywhere, the
 queues get set up correctly (execution, and the two generics for ansi and lps)
 but there is no res
ponse from the printer.  It will not even respond to a simple LAT command.  I
 have triple checked the MAC address and the network (it links up to 10 Mb).

The Answer is :

  Attempt to establish a reverse LAT connection to the printer, and
  confirm that the printer NIC or terminal server provides reverse LAT,
  and confirm that the printer NIC or terminal server firmware is
  correct and current.  Don't bother with queues and other higher-level
  configuration steps until you can verify the correct operation of
  the LAT (or IP) connection to the printer.
  Please then contact the Compaq Customer Support Center, and please
  check with the vendor supporting the printer NIC or terminal server
  in use here.
  Expect to be asked details of the particular LAT (or IP) configuration.
  Topics here relevent to HP LaserJet 4050 series and to IP printing
  include (1020) and associated topics, and (5104).  Various discussions
  of "reverse LAT" are included here in Ask The Wizard, including
  (2989), (5485) and others.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-MAR-2001 )

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