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HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

I have just installed the TCPIP_ECO-V0500-112-4
kit since I had problems with using gethostbyname
within a threaded application I am writing (this fixed problem). At the same
 time I decided to use the downtime to apply outstanding 7.2-1 patches (my
 cluster is not down often - first time this year - so I don't often get a
 chance to do this).
I have a problem with the VMS721_LAN-V0200  patch
kit on my XP1000 system. The SYS$EWDRIVER_DE500BA.EXE
driver does not drop into 100Mb/s mode when the SRM
console has autodetected to 100Mb/s (driver constantly reports 10Mb/s mode. A
 Personal workstation 600 in the cluster did not have the same problem). I
 solved the problem by reverting to the driver file from the  VMS721_LAN-V0100
Is this a known issue?
BTW: Love the new SYS$PKADRIVER - works a treat with
my Adaptec ASC29160 controller on my home machine - I
know, not supported - neither is my home machine, PC164.
Many thanks.

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center with specifics
  of the LAN configuration.  Is this a DE500?  (See the OpenVMS FAQ
  for capabilities of specific variants of DE500 variants.)  Also
  expect to be asked details of other ECO kits presently installed.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-MAY-2001 )

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