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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Blank page at end of HP print job? (take II)

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The Question is:

We have the following:
  DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version V5.0A
  on a COMPAQ AlphaServer DS20E 666 MHzP running OpenVMS V7.2-1
We have several queues with Jet Direct cards as below:
Server queue ACCT_LASER, idle, on FPLEX::, mounted form DEFAULT
All queues insert a final form feed (blank page)at the end of each job.  I
 looked at 1020 and all related
responses in 1020 - all seem to point towards the telnet symbiont and not the
 SMB_LPD.  I have tried setting TCPIP$logicals, SET QUEUE/DEFAULT=notrailer, to
 no avail.  We are currently not using any devctl library - does that matter?
 Wiz_2405 asked the s
ame question.
Thank you

The Answer is :

  The response has not changed from that of topic (2405).

answer written or last revised on ( 18-DEC-2002 )

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