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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Configuring External Authentication?

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The Question is:

I have read about external authentication with OpenVMS. The documents indicate
 that I need to obtain the file PWRK$ACME_MODULE.exe from the support web site.
 Where is it exactly? I have been unable to locate it.

The Answer is :

  That PWRK$ACME_MODULE.EXE reference would be an older reference to an
  image module that was required for older versions of PATHWORKS.  Recent
  versions of PATHWORKS -- V5.0E and later, as well as all Advanced Server
  versions -- provide all necessary external authentication capabilities
  and images directly within their respective distribution kits.
  That said, you might also be looking at documentation that refers to
  running PATHWORKS or Advanced Server on a subset of the member s of an
  OpenVMS Cluster.  In this case, you do need the PWRK$ACME_MODULE.EXE
  module installed on all nodes, whether or not those nodes are running
  PATHWORKS or Advanced Server.  The V5.0E and later kits do contain all
  that is required -- you will want to perform an "External Authentication
  Only" installation on any cluster members not that do not have the full
  PATHWORKS or Advanced Server environment loaded and running.
  Please see the appendix associated with External Authentication in the
  appropriate documentation (either PATHWORKS or Advanced Server) for
  details on configuring External Authentication.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-MAY-2001 )

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