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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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Cross-platform development tools?

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The Question is:

Is it possible to compile C++ sources on the PC (WIN NT) and get ALPHA
 (openVMS)-Binarys as result?

The Answer is :

  The direct answer would involve a cross-compiler -- a compiler that
  operates on a Microsoft operating system on an Intel or compatible
  processor and that generates object or executable code compatible
  with OpenVMS Alpha, and the OpenVMS Wizard is unaware of any such
  An alternative approach would involve the OpeNVMS Enterprise Toolkit,
  an environment available from Compaq that permits programmers to develop
  OpenVMS applications using tools that are familiar to programmers
  accustomed to Microsoft-based environments.  Details on the Enterprise
  Toolkit are available via http://www.openvms.compaq.com/commercial/.

answer written or last revised on ( 11-MAY-2001 )

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