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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Problems with zip compression?

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The Question is:

	i use the ZIP tool frequently on our Alpha 4100 running
	OpenVMS 7.1-2. i normally have a good deal of faith and
	confidence in the ZIP and UNZIP functions, and years of
	results that support my continued use.
	recently i've had some bad experiences with files not
	being compressed and inflated correctly. a screen dump of
	one such problem is included:
LAKES-SMSPRD-; unzip -l lakes_glbck_20010517.zip glipsterr.dat;1
	 Length    Date    Time    Name
	 ------    ----    ----    ----
	1592832  05-16-99  00:31   glipsterr.dat;1
	 ------                    -------
	1592832                    1
LAKES-SMSPRD-; unzip  lakes_glbck_20010517.zip glipsterr.dat;1
	  inflating: glipsterr.dat
                                     [ WriteBuffer failed ]
	[ %RMS-E-EOF, end of file detected ]
	[ %SYSTEM-W-ENDOFFILE, end of file ]
	the file involved is a very typical VMS datafile, attributes:
GLIPSTERR.DAT;2               File ID:  (3659,48,0)
Size:         3105/3125       Owner:    [200,1]
Created:   16-MAY-1999 00:31:36.83
Revised:   18-MAY-2001 09:52:29.79 (5537)
Expires:   <None specified>
Backup:    <No backup recorded>
Effective: <None specified>
Recording: <None specified>
File organization:  Indexed, Prolog: 3, Using 1 key
Shelved state:      Online
File attributes:    Allocation: 3125, Extend: 45, Maximum bucket size: 5
                    Global buffer count: 0, No version limit
                    Contiguous best try
Record format:      Fixed length 596 byte records
Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
	this has occurred a number of times, with this file most recently
	and with some others randomly. naturally
it occurs just about every time i REALLY need to
recover the file in useable condition.
  any help or information you can
	provide will be GREATLY appreciated.
bill clark
(603)524-3211 x3212

The Answer is :

  Please use the zip tools from Freeware V5.0 or other recent zip
  kit(s), and use the "-V" option (quotes and uppercase required)
  for OpenVMS file attribute preservation.
  The OpenVMS FAQ has pointers to locations where you can obtain zip.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-MAY-2001 )

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