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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party software? (Ingres)

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The Question is:

We currently have a DEC Alpha 4100 running OpenVMS 6.2 with Ingres V6.4. The
 disc array is currently JBOD, consisting of 5 user discs (4.3GB) and 1 system
 disc (2.1GB). The Ingres system is divided as follows:
a) Ingres RDBMS  (1 user disc)
b) Transaction logs (1 user disc)
c) Databases & indexes (1 user disc)
d) Checkpoint files (1 user disc)
e) Journal files (1 user disc)
The plan is to upgrade the system to a RAID-based architecture, consisting of :
a) 1*RAID-1 partition (operating system)
b) 1*RAID-5 partition (all Ingres files)
The test DEC ALpha 4100, when configured as described, cannot start the Ingres
 server at all due, apparently due to the transaction log file being on a RAID5
 partition. The Ingres system then attempts to perform a startup recocery, but
Has this type of problem been recorded anywhere before?

The Answer is :

  Please ask the folks at Ingres support for assistance; the OpenVMS
  Wizard is not particularly an expert on (or even familiar with, in
  many case) third-party products.

answer written or last revised on ( 29-MAY-2001 )

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