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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Seeking OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade?

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The Question is:

 We have the following DEC ALPHA machines setup and would like to know
 if these machines are compatible to migrate to the new OS that you are
 creating .
 Open VMS or True64 Unix or Linux.
(They are currently running DIGITAL UNIX ,  kind of very old. Would like to
 upgrade them
at the earliest.)
 Work Station Model : DEC 3000 SERIES, MODEL 300/300L AXP
 Server Model            : DEC 2100 Server, MODEL 500MP - Alpha AXP family
 Uses DEC chip 21064, has singe processor at present
 RAM 128 MB
 Hard disktype: Up to 16,3.5 in high performance disk drives may be configured
 in BA740 pedestal enclosure . HD model RZ28 VA.
 Processor Speed 190 MHz
Please let me know at the earliest as to what options we have and the prices
I am looking at 100 user license.
Phani . Kappa

The Answer is :

  As of this writing (in June 2001), the current OpenVMS Alpha release
  is OpenVMS Alpha V7.3, and information on new work and new releases
  is available at the OpenVMS website -- look for the OpenVMS Roadmap,
  as referenced in the OpenVMS FAQ.
  For OpenVMS (as you have reached the OpenVMS Wizard), these systems
  are very old and very slow, but these systems are still supported by
  present OpenVMS releases.
  You will want to contact a Tru64 UNIX or a Linux Wizard for any Tru64
  UNIX or Linux questions you might have.
  Given the great age and the relatively low performance of these two
  systems, you may well be served by acquiring a rather more recent new
  or used system -- the AlphaServer DS10 series performance will greatly
  exceed the aggregate performance of these two systems.
  For pricing and ordering and availability, please contact your Compaq
  reseller or your Compaq representative.

answer written or last revised on ( 11-JUN-2001 )

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