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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Reserving an unreserved IP port?

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The Question is:

Under WinNT it is possible to prevent the underlying OS from 'allocating'
 specific TCP/IP port numbers. We have a legacy application running on the
 Alpha that requires the use of TCP/IP port number 1029, but often find that
 UCX has reallocated this to oth
er applications as this port is part of the unreserved port numbers. So can I
 tell UCX not to allocate this port number?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard would probably simply patch the application
  image(s) to use a port in the reserved (privileged) range of ports.
  You could configure and enable the port use the auxillary server
  (and the resulting listener on the port) to start and then allow
  your application to accept connections on the specified port.
  Probably the easiest approach (other than fixing the code, of
  course) is to simply get to the port that is required first.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-JUN-2001 )

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