[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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NOCMDPROC captive command procedure error?

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The Question is:

I have installed TCP/IP V5.1 on OpenVMS V7.3. With tcpip$config i have enabled
 and started the FTP-Server. But if i use the comand '> tcpip show service ftp'
 i get the anser .... State disabled ... , and in the file
LOG is a error message: %DCL-E-NOCMDPROC, error opening captive command
 procedure - access denied. What's wrong?

The Answer is :

 NOCMDPROC,  error opening captive command procedure - access denied
  Facility:     CLI, Command Language Interpreter (DCL)
  Explanation:  When you attempted to log in, you failed because you have a
                captive account and DCL received an error during the login.
                For example, DCL could not find your LOGIN.COM file. You
                may also have incorrect protection on the system's SYLOGIN
                file (SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM or /SYSTEM/EXEC logical). The
                system's SYLOGIN file must be protected with at least WORLD:E
                access to the file and the directory that contains it.
  User Action:  See your system manager.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-JUN-2001 )

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