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ANALYZE/DISK and files marked for delete?

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The Question is:

I have an aplha 3600.
On the system disk, I did an ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR.
I got the following  messages:
After I did the ANALYZE command I rebooted the machine, reran the ANALYZE
 command with NOREPAIR, and the same message came out. It doesn't appear that
 the command worked. I also brought the machines down and booted from the VMS
 CD, and did the same proces
Whats' wrong?
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (412,1439,1) SQS_PDM11_RMU_DISP00870.COM;1
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (454,1782,1) SQS_PDM11_SQLSRV_DIS00370.COM;1
        marked for delete
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (3471,326,1) SQS_PDM11_RMU_DISP00870.COM;1
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (3485,194,1) SQS_PDM11_SQLSRV_DIS00370.COM;1
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (3504,225,1) SQS_PDM11_RMU_SE009000170.COM;1
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (3512,258,1) SQS_PDM11_RMU_SE009000270.COM;1
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (3552,2174,1) SQS_PDM11_RMU_SE009000370.COM;1
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (3564,612,1) SQS_PDM11_RMU_SE009000470.COM;1
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (4004,114,1) SQS_PDM11_GENERI004000170.COM;2
        marked for delete
%ANALDISK-W-DELHEADER, file (4027,578,1) SQS_PDM11_GENERI004000270.COM;2
        marked for delete
The disk is:
Disk PDM11$DKA300:, device type RZ26L, is online, mounted, file-oriented device,
    shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled.
    Error count                    0    Operations completed              16450
    Owner process                 ""    Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
    Owner process ID        00000000    Dev Prot            S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
    Reference count              338    Default buffer size                 512
    Total blocks             2050860    Sectors per track                    83
    Total cylinders             3089    Tracks per cylinder                   8
    Volume label         "AXPVMSSYS"    Relative volume number                0
    Cluster size                   3    Transaction count                   431
    Free blocks               328716    Maximum files allowed            256357
    Extend quantity                5    Mount count                           1
    Mount status              System    Cache name     "_PDM11$DKA300:XQPCACHE"
    Extent cache size             64    Maximum blocks in extent cache    32871
    File ID cache size            64    Blocks currently in extent cache      0
    Quota cache size               0    Maximum buffers in FCP cache        314
    Volume owner UIC        [SYSTEM]    Vol Prot    S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD
  Volume Status:  subject to mount verification, protected subsystems enabled,
      file high-water marking, write-through caching enabled.

The Answer is :

  These particular warning messages are usually entirely innocuous, and
  simply indicate that a file was marked for deletion by the application,
  but was left undeleted after an application or system failure.  This
  wastes some storage, but (other than this use) causes no harm.  Various
  applications mark files for deletion to permit temporary files to be
  purged upon failure.  (This Rdb-related application is clearly one
  such application.)
  ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR should clean these files up, assuming the files
  are not currently open for access.
  Please upgrade to (at least) OpenVMS Alpha V7.1-2 -- with the current
  ECOs applied -- on your DEC 3000 model 600 system.
  Please also contact Oracle Rdb for information on applicable Oracle
  Rdb ECOs.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-JUL-2001 )

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