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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Seeking Programming Examples?

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The Question is:

how to use sys$trnlnm  system service in vax-C?
can you give me a example source in task-to-task com. ?

The Answer is :

  re: sys$trnlnm
  re: task-to-task network communications
  Topics include (159), (798), (1910), etc.  Also see sys$examples:db*.c
  for DECnet task-to-task, and please see tcpip$examples: (TCP/IP Services
  V5.0 and later) and ucx$examples: (pre-V5) for a variety of examples of
  C access to IP sockets.
  VAX C was retired many years ago.  Please use Compaq C.  (Compaq C and
  VAX C can coexist on the same OpenVMS VAX host, and Compaq C has a good
  /STANDARD=VAXC mode to assist in migrating to Compaq C and ANSI C code.)
  Your version of OpenVMS VAX is also in need of an upgrade.
  Also please see the Programming Concepts and System Service Reference
  Manuals, and please see the DECnet and/or TCP/IP Services documentation,
  and please see the Compaq C documentation.  All are available at the
  Compaq OpenVMS website -- please see the FAQ for pointers.

answer written or last revised on ( 18-JUL-2001 )

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