[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECwindows no graphics devices found?

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The Question is:

After booting to VMS version 7.3, following error message :
DECW$DEVICE-I-NODEVICE; no graphics devices found.
What is the cure for this error?

The Answer is :

  Unfortunately, you have not indicated if there should be a graphics
  device found on this system -- this informational message (-I-) could
  be an entirely normal and expected message from the bootstrap.
  If there is supposed to be a graphics device, please see the OpenVMS
  FAQ for details on locating the problem.
  If you wish to suppress all startup of DECwindows, you can define
  is not something the OpenVMS Wizard recommends, as the DECwindows
  startup also establishes context used by applications expecting to
  use DECwindows for its (remote) display capabilities.)

answer written or last revised on ( 31-JUL-2001 )

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