[an error occurred while processing this directive]

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Debugging a program ACCVIO?

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The Question is:

Can you help us with the following message:
"-SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=000000003020
4130, PC=00000000010E0005, PS=00020274"
We take this message from an ACMS application.
Thank you in advance
Nicos Ioannou

The Answer is :

  For an introduction to some of the more common programming errors that
  can be generated by programmers, please see topic (1661).  For some of
  the more advanced programming bugs, please see topic (2681).  Other
  topics and examples are available.
  For discussions of ACCVIO (access violation) errors, please see topics
  (819), (837), (1246), (2223), (2234), (3215), (5533), (6495), and likely
  a few other topics.
  On extremely little information, a string descriptor potentially resident
  on the call stack (temporary storage) could be involved.  010E0005 could
  be the first longword of an OpenVMS string descriptor -- please see the
  OpenVMS FAQ for details of the string descriptor construct.  Specifically,
  this value could be part of a string descriptor that is referencing a
  five-character static text string buffer.
  010E0005 could be interpreted as:
    byte DSC$K_CLASS_S, byte DSC$K_DTYPE_T, word string length
  Now as to how a string descriptor could have ended up in the spot where
  the call stack expected to find an address, well, that question will have
  to be directed at someone with source access to the code involved.  The
  resolution will likely involve careful examination of the use of string
  descriptors within the application, of the use of the stack storage, and
  of the argument lists passed into various application-specific and
  OpenVMS-provided functions.  Topic (1661) can provide background here.

answer written or last revised on ( 6-AUG-2001 )

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