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HP OpenVMS Systems

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ACMS and Rdb on OpenVMS Alpha?

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The Question is:

I have an application running on VAX4705A  which uses ACMS and cobol programs
 using TDMS forms. he backend database is  Oracle Rdb V7.0-12 which is also at
 same node.
We want to migrate the application to Alpha. As far as I know TDMS is not
 available on Alpha.
Is it possible to use distributed ACMS with the Menus and TDMS forms on VAX and
 the RDB, EXE's,TASks, group and other ACMS components on APLHA ?.

The Answer is :

  Yes, you can.  The RLBs have to be on the OpenVMS Alpha system to
  satisfy the startup of the application, but the forms processing
  will be done on OpenVMS VAX front-ends.
  You will have to recompile all the server objects on OpenVMS Alpha
  and you will have to re-link the server images.  Ensure that your
  recompilations specify 'no alignment', otherwise the compilations
  on the OpenVMS Alpha systems will naturally align the data, and this
  will not match the byte alignment typically used on OpenVMS VAX compilers.
  (The 'no alignment' tells the compilers to use byte alignment.)
  You will only want to use byte alignment on those modules which will
  be "sharing" the access -- data that is not naturally aligned will
  tend to degrade performance on OpenVMS Alpha systems and (to a somewhat
  lesser extent even) OpenVMS VAX systems.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-SEP-2001 )

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