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Understanding disk device allocation?

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The Question is:

dka500: is our cd drive.  Here is what I did:
Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.2-1
Username: system2
   Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.2-1
    Last interactive login on Tuesday,  4-SEP-2001 13:50:40.43
    Last non-interactive login on Friday, 27-APR-2001 12:21:48.06
$ allocate dka500:
%SYSTEM-W-DEVALLOC, device already allocated to another user
$ deallocate dka500:
%SYSTEM-W-DEVNOTALLOC, device not allocated
$ show device/allocated
Device                  Device           Error    Volume         Free  Trans Mnt
 Name                   Status           Count     Label        Blocks Count Cnt
BETA$DKA500:            Online alloc         0
$ dismount dka500:
%SYSTEM-F-DEVNOTMOUNT, device is not mounted
$ deallocate beta$dka500:
%SYSTEM-W-DEVNOTALLOC, device not allocated
$ allocate dka500:
%SYSTEM-W-DEVALLOC, device already allocated to another user
I am sure I am the only user using the CD drive (dka500:), but I do not know
 why is it allocated yet I can not deallocate it.
My question is:  how do I deallocate the dka500: cd drive and allocate it again
 without shutting down the system.
Thank you

The Answer is :

  Your process does not have the disk device allocated, but another
  process apparently does.  The disk device is not mounted.
  Use the DCL command:
  to identify which process currently owns (has allocated) the device.
  If this is a cluster configuration, you will want to have exactly disk
  device with any particular device unit number present in each non-zero
  disk allocation class -- it would appear that this is host BETA, and
  that the disk allocation class is zero.  (Which would imply that there
  is another (local) process that has accessed this device.)

answer written or last revised on ( 4-SEP-2001 )

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