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PATHWORKS 32 DECnet will not configure?

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The Question is:

I am trying to load Pathworks 32 V7.2 on a Proliant 8000 Server running Windows
 2000 Server and connect via DECNet to both Alpha 8200 running OpenVMS V7.1-2
 and VAX 6430 running VMS V5.4-3,  DECNet will not configure properly,  is this
 an unsupported conf

The Answer is :

  PATHWORKS 32 V7.2 is supported on Microsoft Windows 2000 configurations.
  When you say DECnet will not configure properly, you do not indicate
  what behaviour is observed and what errors (if any) are reported.
  You also do not indicate if the host systems are using DECnet Phase
  IV or DECnet-Plus, nor if there are other DECnet or network problems
  noticed among the OpenVMS host systems.
  Your OpenVMS VAX version is certainly not supported -- support for
  the V5.4-3 release was retired many years ago.  Prior Version Support
  (PVS) offerings for OpenVMS Alpha V7.1-2 are presently expected to end
  31-Dec-2001 as of this writing -- please see the PVS pointers in the
  OpenVMS FAQ for specific current details of the version support status.
  One of the most common reasons for DECnet failures on the Windows
  platform is a lack of support within the particular IEEE 802.3
  (Ethernet) interface for the NetworkAddress keyword.  PWREADME.TXT
  contains the following information on this situation:
       3.20 Network Adapter Not Set to Correct Value
       The following message is displayed if the address of the
       network adapter is not set to the correct value:
       "DNP0055: Cannot start DECnet: adapter's network address"
       is not set to AA-00-04-00-xx-yy.
       The value is set by Setup using the NetworkAddress keyword
       in the registry and should be supported with NDIS V3.1 or
       higher drivers that have a software-configurable station
       However, some drivers included with Windows 95, Windows
       98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 do not support this
       feature and might not work with Compaq PATHWORKS 32. As a
       possible workaround to this limitation, you could contact
       the vendor and request an updated driver that supports the
       NetworkAddress keyword or uses the NdisReadNetworkAddress
       function to determine the station address.
  If the above information does not address the problem reported, please
  contact the Compaq Customer Support Center.  Additional details of the
  failure will be required, as that DECnet "will not configure properly"
  is unfortunately insufficient detail for a more specific answer.

answer written or last revised on ( 17-OCT-2001 )

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