[an error occurred while processing this directive]

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IP Print Symbiont SYMDEL ACCVIO?

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The Question is:

I changed the above machine with
ucx set config smtp/Substitute_domain=name=spsd.sk.ca
so the email being sent out via smtp would get a return addr of <name>@spsd.sk.ca
any way some how i ended up with
Postmaster:         UCX_SMTP
Generic queue       Queues   Participating nodes
SPSD.SK.CA             1     SNOOPY
I imediatly changed back
but how do I get rid of
Generic queue       Queues   Participating nodes
SPSD.SK.CA             1     SNOOPY
and put it back to
Generic queue       Queues   Participating nodes
UCX$SMTP_SNOOPY_00             1     SNOOPY
previous to this smtp mail worked fine now the mail stays in the  que
 UCX$SMTP_SNOOPY_00  since           UCX$SMTP_SNOOPY_01 won't start
here is my full ucx show smtp /config
SNOOPY::SYSTEM$ ucx sho config smtp
SMTP Configuration
Initial interval:   0 00:30:00.00       Address_max:    16       NOEIGHT_BIT
Retry interval:     0 01:00:00.00       Hop_count_max:  16       NORELAY
Maximum interval:   3 00:00:00.00                                TOP_HEADERS
Timeout             Initial       Mail    Receipt       Data  Terminate
  Send:                   5          5          5          3         10
  Receive:                5
Alternate gateway:  not defined
General gateway:    not defined
Substitute domain:  not defined
Zone:               not defined
Postmaster:         UCX_SMTP
Generic queue       Queues   Participating nodes
SPSD.SK.CA             1     SNOOPY

The Answer is :

  Something is causing the print symbiont to fail.
  Please move to TCP/IP Services V4.2 with the current ECO applied,
  or please to a more current ECO of the (now unsupported) V4.1 release.
  Then if the problem persists, please contact the support center.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-DEC-2001 )

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