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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Quorum disk on Fibre Channel SAN?

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The Question is:

Is it possible to set up a quorum disk, other than the system disk, on the
 shared fibre channel storage interconnect?
We have tried using another disk on ESA12000, but the systems just hangs
 looking for the quorum disk on boot.  We added an entry for the quorum disk to
 the console via the wwidmgr, but the system does not seem to be able to find
 the disk.  We have looked
through all of the OVMS V7.3 documentation, both online and on CD.  We have
 also gone through the FAQ, but haven't found anything specific on setting up a
 quorum disk on fibre channel.
Is it even possible to use a non-system disk on the fibre channel as a quorum

The Answer is :

  You will want to (need to) discuss this with the customer support center,
  as rather more detail on the cluster configuration is required.  Details
  of the settings of the VOTES and EXPECTED_VOTES and related parameters,
  as well as details of the local hardware and storage configuration, will
  likely be required.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would expect that the quorum disk could be on any
  (accessable) disk.  That said, a problem with quorum disks in OpenVMS
  Cluster configurations running mixed-version configurations involving
  OpenVMS V7.3 was recently identified -- random CLUEXIT and connection
  errors are the symptoms, and these symptoms can arise with any cluster
  configuration including OpenVMS V7.3 host(s) and a quorum disk -- and
  an ECO kit is under development as of this writing.
  As potential tests, please place the quorum file on the system disk,
  and please consider removing the quorum disk from the configuration
  pending availability of the ECO kit.

answer written or last revised on ( 20-DEC-2001 )

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