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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DIGITAL Server (PWS-a) series?

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The Question is:

Can OpenVMS V7.3 be installed on a DIGITAL Server 3300 (model FR-K7H4W-AB)?
 This systems is currently running Windows NT 4.0.  I want to REPLACE Windows
 NT with OpenVMS (not dual-boot the system).  If it's possible, what are the

The Answer is :

  There is no supported means to do this -- the DIGITAL Server series,
  the DIGITAL Personal Workstation and the DIGITAL Ultimate Workstation
  series systems are all specifically for Microsoft Windows NT only, and
  the system and I/O hardware and the console firmware was not designed,
  tested, nor intended for use with any other operating systems.  Yes,
  some of these systems can be similar to existing and supported systems.
  Yes, sometimes some folks have gotten OpenVMS to boot on certain of
  these unsupported configurations -- at least one used-equipment vendor's
  claims to the contrary.  This similarity DOES NOT mean that the systems
  have the same hardware -- for one such example, see the FAQ section
  referenced in topic (7365) (and to a lesser extent, see topic (2566))
  -- nor does it indicate that OpenVMS will be stable or supported on
  the hardware.
  Please see existing topics here in the OpenVMS Ask The Wizard (ATW) area,
  and please see the discussions of unsupported systems in the OpenVMS FAQ,
  and please see the many (related) discussions of OpenVMS (lack of) support
  of the "-a" series platforms here in ATW.
  Related topics include (3044), (3119), (3132), (3820), (3977), (4490),
  (4934), (5011), (5118), (5584), (5604), (7162), (7770), (7945), and
  (8379).  Specifically in this case, please see (3044) and (5604).
%SYSBOOT-E-LDFAIL, failed to load execlet, status = 00000910
  This indicates that CPU code E505 is not recognized -- the file
  specification is the name of the image that would support this
  E505 system, and the 910 error indicates the file cannot be found.
  To translate the hexadecimal error code status 910 to text:
$ x=f$message(%x910)
$ show symbol x
  X = "%SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file"
  The following also often works:
$ exit %x910
%SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file

answer written or last revised on ( 5-FEB-2003 )

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