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Configuring PATHWORKS Printing?

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The Question is:

What needs to be configured to print from Pathworks to a Windows 98 print
 server ?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard will assume you are refering to the component known
  as PWPRINT, which was included in PATHWORKS 32 V7.0, V7.0a, V7.1, and
  V7.1a.  PWPRINT was moved to UNSUPPORTED in PATHWORKS 32 V7.2.
  The following are excerpts from the PATHWORKS 32 V7.1a SPD:
    Sharing Printers Using PATHWORKS 32 Print Services
    PATHWORKS 32 Print Services (PWPRINT) let users print from an
    OpenVMS or Digital UNIX system to printers connected to Windows 95,
    Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 systems, using DECnet or TCP/IP
    network protocols. The printing can be performed within a local
    area network (LAN) or over a wide area network (WAN).
    PATHWORKS 32 software includes a print client component, which
    must be installed on OpenVMS or Digital UNIX to access printers
    connected to your PATHWORKS 32 desktop system.
    Print Services System Requirements
    To install PATHWORKS 32 Print Services, one or more of the following
    operating systems are required for the client component:
    o OpenVMS Alpha operating system V7.0 or V7.1
      Supported transports: DECnet, DECnet-Plus (formerly named DECnet/OSI),
      or DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX)
    o OpenVMS VAX[TM] operating system V7.0 or V7.1
      Supported transports: DECnet, DECnet-Plus (formerly named
      DECnet/OSI), or DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX)
    o DIGITAL UNIX operating system V3.2 or V4.0 12
      Supported transports: DECnet or TCP/IP
    DECnet Over TCP/IP Requirements
    o OpenVMS Alpha operating system V7.0 or V7.1 DECnet-Plus V7.0
      or V7.1
    o OpenVMS VAX operating system V7.0 or V7.1 DECnet-Plus V7.0
      or V7.1
    o DIGITAL UNIX operating system V3.2 or V4.0 DECnet/OSI V3.2
      or DECnet-Plus V4.0
    Information on installing, configuring, and using PWPRINT is
    available in the PATHWORKS 32 (V7.1) User's Guide, Chapter 6,
    Using Print Services.

answer written or last revised on ( 29-MAR-2002 )

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