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HP OpenVMS Systems

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POP Server and SMTP Mail Null Reply-To?

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The Question is:

It's a problem that nearly drove me nuts.
When eMails were received from freemail.de they contain in their header an
 empty "Reply-To:" field. These mails cannot be read correctly with an eMail
 client like MS Outlook via the POP-server of OpenVMS.
Retrieving these Messages from the POP-server with telnet one can see thet
 there is a 'local jacket' in spite of all the logicals set. The jacket fields
Date: ...
From: <@lotto-berlin.de>
Subject: ...
To: pauli@lotto-berlin.de
X-VMS-From: SMTP%""
It seems to me that SMTP ignored the contents of the "From:"-field in the
 presence of the (empty) "Reply-To:" field and took the (empty) contents of the
 latter field as a 'user name only' address, accordingly padded with the local
 domain name.
Even if an empty "Reply-To:" field is a breach of RFC 822 this behavior is a
Is there a way to work around this ?
Regards, Thomas

The Answer is :

  If a more current release of TCP/IP Services does not help resolve
  this problem, please contact Compaq Customer Support for assistance.
  The list of SMTP return addresses that are checked for and used by
  OpenVMS include the following (ordered) list of fields:
  OpenVMS then (should) use the first of these fields that it finds as
  the return address for the message.
  The OpenVMS Wizard has passed a report of this problem along to the
  TCP/IP Services engineering team, but is not in a position to provide
  further feedback or a fix for this -- if this is found to be a bug in
  TCP/IP Services, of course.

answer written or last revised on ( 27-FEB-2002 )

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