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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP Print Request Rejected? (LPD_REQREJECT)

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The Question is:

I used to have an older version of the firmware for Intel NetportExpress,
 although I have no idea what version it was. I set up an LPD printer on this
 Print Server and everything was very very good. That it so say it worked. Now
 I have upgraded versions o
f the same printserver, V5.50a, and none will work with LPD Printing.
In Brief, V(Older than 5.41a) will allow printing.
V(5.41a or newer) will give above error message.
Same config, same everything for both setups and still no joy. Any ideas?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard is generally unfamiliar with third-party printers.
  Please see topic (1020) for general information on IP printing.
  That said, if the error report is of a request being rejected,
  then it is the printer that is rejecting the request.  Further,
  you state that this error first arose after a change to the printer
  (with no corresponding change to the OpenVMS host reported), again
  tending to point to the printer or to the current printer configuration.
  Topic (1020) has (pointers to) some of the potential causes of this
  general class of printer access problem, but you will want to discuss
  this and particularly this particular firmware upgrade with the printer

answer written or last revised on ( 23-APR-2002 )

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