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HP OpenVMS Systems

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PowerTerm disconnects

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The Question is:

With some installations of Powerterm on Windows 2000 systems (installed on a
 freshly formatted disk), Powerterm sessions with VAX/VMS V7.1 will disconnect
 after inactivity of apx. 1 hour no matter how the inactivity timeout
 preference is set.  On other, s
eemingly identical installations, the disconnect does not take place when the
 inactivity timeout is set to 0.
Also, on the timeout preference, the entry is supposed to be in minutes.  Set
 it to 999 and the actual entry becomes 231 when you reopen the tab.  Enter 300
 and the entry becomes 44 when you reopen the tab.
Is there anyway to assure that the timeout does not occur (our preference) or
 to set it to a predictable delay?

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Customer Support Center for assistance.
  The problem you describe could be caused by an number of different
  When you call the Support Center, please be ready to provide the
  following information:
	- are you connecting to the VMS system using LAT?  Telnet?  CTERM?
	- provide a copy of the PATHWORKS event log (PWLOG)

answer written or last revised on ( 21-MAY-2002 )

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