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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TQELM? Third-party software? (ROBOMON)

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The Question is:

I am monitoring the system with robomon and it is constantly reporting
 processes with less than 5% of TQElm - does this matter and what is the
 solution if it does

The Answer is :

  First, why ask the OpenVMS Wizard about a third-party product?
  If you have questions or concerns about a third-party product,
  please contact the third-party product maintainer directly, as
  stated in the introduction to the Ask The Wizard area.  (The
  OpenVMS Wizard is not necessarily familiar with any particular
  third-party, Freeware, or Shareware product, and is not in a
  position to provide support for such products.)
  TQELM is the Timer Queue Entry Limit.
  The TQELM is the maximum number of timed events you may have
  outstanding. Most processes don't require many, so quotas as
  low as 10 can be reasonable.  (Third-party software can require
  far more of these, of course.)
  The most important thing about any quota is to make sure a process
  has sufficient to perform its job. As long as it doesn't actually
  attempt to exceed the limit, there is no problem.  Attempting to
  exceed TQELM or other similar quotas will put the process into a
  resource wait state, when the next scheduled TQE expires, the
  request will be granted, and the process will continue. So this and
  other similar quota-induced stall conditions are self-healing, unless
  the process has timer response constraints.
  Please set the TQELM and other process quota values appropriately for
  your environment, and please any discuss ROBOMON concerns you might
  have with the maintainers of ROBOMON.

answer written or last revised on ( 6-JUL-2002 )

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