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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECserver 700 bootp download fails?

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The Question is:

 Can't get dec_server 700 booted from tcpip v 5 on Alpha system ES40 , openvms
 v 7.2-1 .

The Answer is :

  Assuming you have the current release and ECO of TCP/IP Services
  (V5.3 is current as of this writing) and assuming you have verified
  basic network connectivity with ping or similar such tools, and
  assuming that these devices are not under an HP support contract,
  please contact the folks at www.dnpg.com for assistance with the
  DECserver terminal servers and the associated download operation,
  and documentation for same.  (DNPG is the corporation that sells
  and supports the DECserver 700 series terminal serverss.)
  If these devices are under an HP support contract, please contact
  the support center directly as additional details will be required.
  The MOP protocol (via DECnet or via LANCP) is more commonly used to
  download these and other DECserver devices from OpenVMS systems.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-JUL-2002 )

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