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HP OpenVMS Systems

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SYSMAN and EXBYTLM Exceeded bytlm quota?

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The Question is:

This command procedure is issued from one node in a GS80 2 node cluster to the
 other node.  There are 13 shadow sets which a third disk is being added.
 After 4 or 5 of the above commands are issued we received the Exceeded Bytlm
 quota error and then it i
s received again after EVERY OTHER command issuance.

The Answer is :

  Please move to a supported version of OpenVMS and please apply the
  available (mandatory) ECO kits for the OpenVMS version in use.
  To find the ratings for the available OpenVMS ECO kits, please
  follow the URL for the ECO search engine listed in the OpenVMS FAQ.
  To work around this EXBYTLM error, you can stop the SMISERVER process
  on each cluster member node, and restart it.  To stop the SMISERVER,
  use a sequence similar to the following to find and to delete it:
    $ STOP/ID=pid
  Then restart the SMISERVER process on each cluster member:
  For MOUNT and related operations within an OpenVMS Cluster, please
  also consider customization of and subsequent use of the available
  SYS$EXAMPLES:MSCPMOUNT.COM command procedure.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-JUL-2002 )

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