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Distributed System (Error) Management Reports?

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The Question is:

How do I create a general report on the system errors for a 6 node VAX/Alpha
 setup not clustered?  I would prefer the report to run automatically and daily
 for all 6 nodes.
Regards and rsvp,

The Answer is :

  Using DCL and DECnet, or DCL and a webserver, most commonly.
  Ask The Wizard topics (5409), (159), (798), (1910) and various
  other associated topics will be of particular interest here.
  Some simple DECnet task-to-task DCL, a self-resubmitting batch
  queue entry or a scheduling package, and you are done...
  For more advanced approaches, consider AMDS or Availability
  Manager or other network-based management tools.  The DECevent
  and Compaq Analyze tools can also be used for fault prediction
  and reporting.
  Or consider using a set of CGI script and webservers on each of
  the nodes.  From one central webpage, details from each of the
  hosts can easily be displayed.  (Why provide a static report on
  errors when the live data can be examined?)  For information on
  CGI and DCL, please see topics including (558), (1165), (1284),
  and (1990).

answer written or last revised on ( 21-AUG-2002 )

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