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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Maintain or duplicate MAIL on OpenVMS?

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The Question is:

Is there a way to enable automatic forwarding of a COPY of the messages I
 receive, so that I can have 2 copies of the emails, one on the openvms server
 and one on another server?
Alternatively, how can I leave messages on server so that I can read them from
 more than one computer using Outlook Express? Even if the option "leave
 messages on server" the server keep my emails, but on my secondary location
 the client doesn't download
it if I've already downloaded it from my primary location.

The Answer is :

  Configure and use IMAP on the OpenVMS host (which allows mail clients
  to maintain mail on the host; see TCP/IP Services V5.3 and later), or
  configure and use a package such as the Freeware DELIVER tool or the
  PIPE_MAILSHR tool to manage and to resend mail as appropriate.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-NOV-2002 )

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