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BACKUP /NEW_VERSION and version inversion?

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The Question is:

When restoring multiple versions of files in a saveset with the /new switch to
 a directory where the file already exists, the files get restored in reverse
 order where the oldest version in the saveset becomes the highest version on
 the output. How do you
 get them to restore with the most recent version in the saveset become the
 most recent on disk? This behavior could pose some nasty problems in a
 production environment...
Thanks for any help...Joe

The Answer is :

  You will want to check your BACKUP and restoration procedures for
  appropriateness, and you will want to test the restoration of your
  archive contents before you actually need to use your archive.
  For the bulk restoration of a disk, the typical approach uses the
  BACKUP/IMAGE command.  Consider the bulk restoration of a disk to
  a spare disk spindle, as well.
  To restore a selection of versions of one or more files from a
  saveset, restore to a directory that does not contain matching
  files.  This avoids the problem reported.
  Also consider using /OVERLAY or /REPLACE in this case, or restoring
  the only current (;0) version of the file if the /NEW_VERSION
  operation required.
  You cannot use /NEW_VERSION when restoring multiple versions of a
  file without also inverting the version number sequence, per the
  help text documentation:
     Output File Qualifier
     Creates a new version of a file if a file with an identical
     specification already exists at the location to which the file is
     being restored or copied. The new file is created with the same
     name and type and a version number one higher than the highest
     existing version.
     By default, BACKUP does not restore a file with the same file
     name, file type, and version number as a file that already exists
     in a directory. Rather, BACKUP issues an error message and does
     not restore the file. The /OVERLAY and /REPLACE qualifiers also
     override this default, but produce different results than the
     /NEW_VERSION qualifier.
     Note that when copying or restoring files using the /NEW_VERSION
     qualifier, files are processed in decreasing version number
     order and are created in ascending order. The result is that
     the version numbers are inverted.
     Because this qualifier causes version numbers to change, do
     not use the /NEW_VERSION qualifier with the /COMPARE or /VERIFY

answer written or last revised on ( 28-OCT-2002 )

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