[an error occurred while processing this directive]

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Meaning of disk DEVICEFULL error?

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The Question is:

I am receiving the following message:
$ create/dir disk11:[QOEFILES.GROUP1]/own=[tolas62,vtr]/allocation=6000
%CREATE-E-DIRNOTCRE, DISK11:[QOEFILES.GROUP1] directory file not created
-SYSTEM-W-DEVICEFULL, device full; allocation failure
The disk array has over 12 million free blocks. I assume this has something to
 do with the INDEXF file possibly becoming full.  A temp fix has been to delete
 files off of that disk array.  Do I need to "extend" the INDEXF?  If so, is
 there a way this can
be done while file activity continues?  Thanks!

The Answer is :

  You apparently lack 6000 contiguous blocks available on this disk,
  or (potentially) the parent directory itself needs to be extended
  to make room for this new directory entry and there is insufficient
  contiguous space for that operation.
  You will likely have to find and delete one or more unnecessary
  files on the volume, or defragment the disk volume, or (best) both.
  Information on disk volume fragmentation is included in the OpenVMS
  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.
  Performance of common directory operations on a directory file of
  128 or more blocks on an OpenVMS version this old will be relatively
  poor.  Directory caching was greatly improved on directories with
  OpenVMS V7.2 and later.
  The error text associated with the two reported error messages are
  included below, as are two messages associated with disk volume data
  structures reaching capacity.  The latter two messages are likely
  NOT related to the problem reported here.
 DIRNOTCRE,  'output-file' directory file not created
  Facility:     Shared by several facilities
  Explanation:  A request to create a directory file failed.
  User Action:  Take action based on the accompanying message.
 DEVICEFULL,  device full; allocation failure
  Facility:     SYSTEM, System Services
  Explanation:  Space cannot be allocated for a file because the device is
                full, or a request for contiguous space cannot be satisfied
                because the specified number of contiguous blocks is not
  User Action:  Verify the status of the device. If it is a private device,
                purge unwanted files with the DCL command PURGE. Otherwise,
                obtain another volume to create files. If the device is a
                system device, notify the system operator or manager that the
                volume is full.
 HEADERFULL,  file header is full
  Facility:     SYSTEM, System Services
  Explanation:  The file header map area on the volume is full and cannot
                be extended. This error occurs only when the file header
                extension is inhibited, for example, when the index file is
                being extended.
  User Action:  Compress the volume by copying it with BACKUP. This condition
                can be avoided by increasing the value for the /HEADER
                qualifier of the INITIALIZE command. For ODS-2 disks, the
                value of the /HEADER qualifier should equal the approximate
                number of files you expect to store on the disk.
 IDXFILEFULL,  index file is full
  Facility:     SYSTEM, System Services
  Explanation:  No more files can be written on the volume, because the
                maximum size of the index file specified is reached when the
                volume is initialized.
  User Action:  If the volume is a private volume, delete the unwanted files
                on the volume. If the volume is a system volume, notify the
                system operator or system manager.

answer written or last revised on ( 12-NOV-2002 )

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