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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Seeking DECprint Services (DCPS) Kit?

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The Question is:

Was DCPS bundled with and installed as part of VAX VMS v5.5-1? v5.5-2? If not,
 how can DCPS be added to a system operating under VMS 5.5-2?

The Answer is :

  DCPS is and has always been a separately-installed layered product,
  and not installed as part of the OpenVMS operating system.
  DCPS licenses have been included with OpenVMS with recent releases,
  which may be what you are recalling here.
  You will want to acquire a copy of the DCPS software installation
  kit, available from various sources including the Software Products
  Library distribution media (part numbers in the OpenVMS SPD), and
  from the DCPS installation CD-ROM kit (part number QA-09NAB-H8).

answer written or last revised on ( 27-NOV-2002 )

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