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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Seeking C & IP Socket Programming Documentation?

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The Question is:

How does TCP/IP services for OpenVMS allow control of parameters, such as
 tcp_time_wait_interval in solaris for example, that affect the time sockets
 are kept alive - is this configurable or where can I find the relevant Doco -
 Programming for TCP/IP ?

The Answer is :

  Please see the OpenVMS FAQ for pointers to the OpenVMS documentation,
  particularly including the TCP/IP Services documentation and the C
  RTL documentation.
  The TCP/IP $qio interface and general IP programming considerations
  and terminology are documented in the TCP/IP Services manuals, while
  the C RTL documentation includes details of socket programming.
  The most current C RTL documentation is included with the OpenVMS
  manuals, while older RTL documentation and the C compiler itself
  has documentation at the OpenVMS commercial products website.
  URLs for these sites are included in the OpenVMS FAQ.  (While
  the OpenVMS Wizard could include pointers here, these URLs are
  expected to change and the exclusion of references here means
  that only the FAQ will need to be kept current.  The FAQ also
  has C programming tips, and a wealth of related discussions.)

answer written or last revised on ( 8-DEC-2002 )

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