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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TZ85 and TZ87 DLT media compatibility?

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The Question is:

I want to use indeferently DLTIII tapes on a TZ87 and a TZ85. Actually, I have
 a lot of trouble with this (I've unfortunately dropped tapes with "parity
 errors" (and after I've read the Topic 1286 of the Wizard)).
Perheaps, it is sufficient to init the tapes the first time on a TZ85 but I
 don't know.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Claude BON (France)

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard is unclear on the question, as the cited topic
  (1286) and/or some simple experimentation would appear to address
  what appears to be the question.
  The HP natural language support database articles entitled:
    How To Make Tx86 Tapes That Can Be Read On A Tx85
    TZ30/TK50/TK70 and Tx85/Tx86/Tx87/Tx88/Tx89 Read/Write Compatibility
  may be of interest here, as well.  (Please see the AskQ search engine
  referenced in the OpenVMS FAQ for access to the supprot database.)

answer written or last revised on ( 8-DEC-2002 )

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