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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECnet-Plus and (failed) SET HOST 0?

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The Question is:

Upon reboot this weekend, the 'SET HOST 0' will no longer work.  Nodename is
 ALFADM; below are the related logicals defined and a cut/paste of NCP.
 Node Volatile Summary as of 16-DEC-2002 10:25:42
Executor node = 1.1 (ALFADM)
State                    = on
Identification           = DECnet-OSI for OpenVMS

The Answer is :

  Please contact the support center directly -- the particular error
  received upon the failed SET HOST 0 operation would be of interest
  here ("no longer works", as stated in the introduction to asking a
  question, covers far too large a problem space for a direct answer),
  as would be the particular OpenVMS and DECnet-Plus ECO kits that are
  (or that are not) installed on the OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1 system that
  is involved here.  Errors that might have been generated during the
  OpenVMS system startup would also be of interest.
  Information on ECO kits and on determining the mandatory ECO kits
  for a particular release are included in the OpenVMS FAQ.  Please
  take the time to install the current mandatory ECO kits or (better)
  to upgrade to a more current OpenVMS Alpha release with the current
  mandatory ECO kits installed.

answer written or last revised on ( 18-DEC-2002 )

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