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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Foreign-format tapes and disks? (FAT)

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The Question is:

How do I mount the floppy drive on an ES-40 Alpha Server?  Once mounted, how do
 I read a binary file from a 3.5 inch high density diskette?  I have Compaq's
 Pathworks32 ver7.2 but can't find the "PCDISK" utility mentioned in another FAQ.
Also, how do I mount a 4mm tape drive and read binary files from it to the
 ES-40 disks?

The Answer is :

  OpenVMS uses the MOUNT command to prepare OpenVMS to read and to write
  native ODS-2 and ODS-5 disk storage media volumes, followed by commands
  such as DIRECTORY and COPY and such.
  Foreign-format volumes will use the MOUNT/FOREIGN command.  This makes
  the volume accessable to file structure tools that might be able to
  manipulate the contents of these foreign volumes.  OpenVMS uses the
  EXCHANGE utility for its various recognized foreign volume formats.
  Microsoft FAT-format volume structures are not presently supported by
  any tools that are available within or provided within the OpenVMS
  operating system distribution kit.
  For information on Microsoft FAT-format media, please see topics (4),
  (3476), (4120), (7910), and others -- most of these topics will
  reference a section of the OpenVMS FAQ currently entitled "How do
  I access a Microsoft Windows floppy disk from OpenVMS?".
  PATHWORKS32 is the Microsoft Windows client package, the PCDISK tool
  referenced is an undocumented component of the HP Advanced Server
  (formerly known as PATHWORKS server) package.
  Mounting a tape is analogous to mounting a disk, and also uses the
  MOUNT command.  Like the Microsoft FAT format volume structure, it
  is the structure of the data on the volume that is of more central
  interest.  Many tapes use ANSI volume structures and OpenVMS can
  read these directly using tools such as DIRECTORY and COPY.  Tapes
  which use other structures will require use of tools such as an
  application program using language-level I/O calls or using calls
  to the OpenVMS $qio[w] and $io_perform[w] I/O interfaces.
  For information on volumes and device access, please see the OpenVMS
  I/O User's Reference manual and the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications
  manual.  For details of the language I/O interface(s), please see the
  language user documentation for the particular programming language(s)

answer written or last revised on ( 8-JAN-2003 )

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